Monday, January 16, 2012

Public Displays Of Affection

A problem pointed out in the article would be that it is addicting, and takes away from personal and or business relationships. There is a certain amount of attention you start to give your phone more than people when it gets too much. "We're losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations.” It drives me crazy when I’m talking to someone and there focused right on there phone. Not everyone agrees. Pamela Eyring, director of the Protocol School of Washington, which teaches social manners to corporate and government clients, views public texting at an official event as “rude, period.” “It isn’t professional. It’s saying, ‘To hell with all of you,’ ” she says. “The guest of honor has a responsibility to be present in the moment.” I don't fully agree with that point. Many people have personal or family issues they often have to deal with, all the while doing school at the same time. Many people are excellent multi-taskers also, listening and texting comes off easily to some. Not all people mean to disrespect people by texting while others are talking, don't pay attention to them, it's simple. Texting while driving is completely unacceptable in my opinion, a few summers ago a Provincial Police campaign targeted distracted drivers, charging more than 2,000 people, with one woman so preoccupied with her cell she didn’t even notice the sirens flagging her down" that is getting ridiculous. There is no excuse why someone can’t stop texting for a few minutes and realize what is happening. Which is why accidents happen I have had close friends that have died due to car accidents.

Some times I feel that cell phones are acceptable are such times like; when your hanging with your friends or want to meet up with some it is an easy way to get a hold of someone. I find it much easier to just have a cell phone and pay the bill every month than it would be to go use a pay phone all the time. Unacceptable times would be; when your teachers are trying to teach something, or if you’re in the middle of a movie in the movie theater that your light is so bright it disturbs everyone around you. My parents find cell phones helpful and useful.

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