Monday, January 16, 2012

Public Displays Of Affection

A problem pointed out in the article would be that it is addicting, and takes away from personal and or business relationships. There is a certain amount of attention you start to give your phone more than people when it gets too much. "We're losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations.” It drives me crazy when I’m talking to someone and there focused right on there phone. Not everyone agrees. Pamela Eyring, director of the Protocol School of Washington, which teaches social manners to corporate and government clients, views public texting at an official event as “rude, period.” “It isn’t professional. It’s saying, ‘To hell with all of you,’ ” she says. “The guest of honor has a responsibility to be present in the moment.” I don't fully agree with that point. Many people have personal or family issues they often have to deal with, all the while doing school at the same time. Many people are excellent multi-taskers also, listening and texting comes off easily to some. Not all people mean to disrespect people by texting while others are talking, don't pay attention to them, it's simple. Texting while driving is completely unacceptable in my opinion, a few summers ago a Provincial Police campaign targeted distracted drivers, charging more than 2,000 people, with one woman so preoccupied with her cell she didn’t even notice the sirens flagging her down" that is getting ridiculous. There is no excuse why someone can’t stop texting for a few minutes and realize what is happening. Which is why accidents happen I have had close friends that have died due to car accidents.

Some times I feel that cell phones are acceptable are such times like; when your hanging with your friends or want to meet up with some it is an easy way to get a hold of someone. I find it much easier to just have a cell phone and pay the bill every month than it would be to go use a pay phone all the time. Unacceptable times would be; when your teachers are trying to teach something, or if you’re in the middle of a movie in the movie theater that your light is so bright it disturbs everyone around you. My parents find cell phones helpful and useful.

Dream Job

1)      I feel that no matter what you do you should always be passionate about your job. Most people go to school for a while to become what they have always dreamed to do. When I was a kid I wanted to work in a dental office putting on braces until I heard about some of the side effects you could develop over time. Then I started to think about what if I get tired of scraping plaque off peoples teeth or maybe might back will get sore then I won’t be able to travel a far distance without having pain. Adults don’t seem to like there jobs very much, my dad comes home after work with the same answer everyday…work was ok. He always tells me he likes his job and the people he works with but the money isn’t that great, but he also got offered a job by Dawson creek which is very far away from here. I always thought jobs should be something your passionate about or just enjoy doing everyday. I find it absolutely necessary to be passionate about your career.
2)      In the future I have dreams of becoming a nurse, I think it would be fun to break peoples arms back into place stitch people up and to main just help people in need. Every time I see a ambulance pass by I always wonder what happened? And the hospital is a good place to get started to deal with all that kind of stuff. I’m not to sure how my academic record is going to effect my dreams. Having a low academic record is often what people face when wanting to do something they love. But not matter what I end up doing in life I will make the best of things and have with great life. J

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 Things i hate about you vs. The taming of the shrew

The movie Ten things I hate about you, was successful of capturing the essence of the play Taming of the Shrew. Taming of the shrew consists of taming your spouse in order to marry; if your spouse doses not become tamed she is considered an embarrassment. In order to tame Petruchio’s wife he "sent her to her chamber, were she will be treaded like a falcon feeling famished and sleepless." To have respect you can’t look bad by having your wife not listen to you and show disrespect towards you. Like Bianca did when Lucentio “married her for love and money but couldn’t manage to tame her.” Today’s day people believe in love at first sight, but dose everyone believe? In ten things I hate about you, Kat was the kind of girl that wouldn’t let anything in her way, until Bogey “paid Pat to take Kat on a date”. At first he wasn’t up for it, he thought he didn’t need to “get involved with anyone.” Soon he realizes they have a lot in common and they both get along very well. When Kat soon finds out there friendship was all a paycheck she thought to herself “how stupid could I be to fall for a guy I should have known it was a scam.” Kat then got asked to read her poem for the class, Pat knew it was about him, he knew he hurt her; he just wasn’t to sure how to make it up to her quite yet. He resulted in singing a song to her in front of her whole soccer team while dancing away from the security guards. Both the movie and the play have there similarities of taming or either being tamed by one another. Throughout the movie Pat becomes tamed by Kat, he has a lot of fun with her even his friend’s saw a change in him. In the play everyone noticed a change in Katherine after she became tamed by Petruchio she was very well behaved and has become respectful to her husband. In conclusion I consider Ten things I hate about you more down to earth and thoughtful. I feel when someone should be tamed it should happen on your own not when someone forces you to change.